A minute means...

A minute is all it takes to give a second glance, pursue a germ of thought, ponder over a pending issue or just relax with six deep breaths.

A minute of thought goes into these pages, and it is designed to claim not more than a minute of an average reader's attention. Sometimes, this blog could give you stuff to think about for hours. Or just a smiling second at the end of your minute's reading.

Monday, 11 April 2011

What's the world watching (Yawn!)

What is the social network mostly watching at the moment? It’s not the nuclear aftermath of the tsunami. Neither is it a monstrous spoof about the couch that claimed Paris’s virginity. What’s got the world clicking is in fact, the ultimate aftermath of boredom.
Historically, boredom, or whose profundity the eternally blasé French have named ennui, has often resulted in great works of art. But there is a yawning gap between a work of art and what I am about to talk about. Coz what I am referring to is a gaping yawn, that took 26 lolly-sticks to fill before relieving the jaw it locked out of place. So it happens that, what has left the world enthralled recently isn’t a million dollar smile, but a million-hit yawn on you-tube. A moment of acute ennui, frozen in time, triggered by an unquestionably dispassionate academic discourse on politics!
As we all know, a yawn is contagious. Then, by all means, this one may have triggered the fastest spreading epidemic of our times, through virtual contact alone. In the coming days, if you see someone with their mouth wide open in front of their laptop, it need not mean they are torturing their souls with a boring online lecture. Chances are, the most popular post on you-tube is catching up further!
Holly is now amply famous for her yawn, taking her lecturer’s reputation along I presume – for possessing the unenviable oratorical skills that inspired the world’s most publicised yawn. But the question I bore (oops!) in mind while writing this piece is another one. If the hollow and vacant expression of boredom has been the most interesting watch of almost a million people, how bored can boredom get?

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