A minute means...

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A minute of thought goes into these pages, and it is designed to claim not more than a minute of an average reader's attention. Sometimes, this blog could give you stuff to think about for hours. Or just a smiling second at the end of your minute's reading.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Stripped of sense!

When India lifted the Cricket World Cup amidst a different kind of Saturday night fever, all questions faded into oblivion. All except one. And when gifts kept pouring in the millions for Team India, one never arrived.
Where was Poonam Pandey - and the gift she pledged to “unwrap” for the victorious?
For days together, the media had unabashedly celebrated her like the trophy itself. But none seemed to shed any light on what came of her promise to shed more than just her modesty for cricket’s sake! True. In Brazil, she would have turned the pitch into a carnival ground while in modest Mumbai, she would have sent mothers grappling with defiant children to blindfold them with their bare hands! Perhaps the famous moral police of Mumbai would have gladly offered to shroud her modesty before she got too far.
When Poonam Pandey pledged to reward the victorious Team India by surrendering her clothes, the question arising is not just moral or emotional. It is one of rational relevance. After all, do Dhoni and his boys wish to see her in the nude? Wouldn’t it be presumptuous of a calendar girl to suggest that it will be their gift of a lifetime, vying for that place with the Cup itself?

On the other hand, to imagine it actually taking place in the Indian dressing room with Dhoni and gang cheering on is still worse. It brings to mind the image of "baddies" in Indian movies cracking a whip at the dancing damsel. Of course the damsel's distress would be replaced by delight and the whip with (what else!) a bat. Wonder if they would laugh like Gabbar then? Just for effect. And in case she did give a private performance, hope Dhoni and his gang would at least throw a few glass pieces on the dressing room floor. Just for effect.

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