A minute means...

A minute is all it takes to give a second glance, pursue a germ of thought, ponder over a pending issue or just relax with six deep breaths.

A minute of thought goes into these pages, and it is designed to claim not more than a minute of an average reader's attention. Sometimes, this blog could give you stuff to think about for hours. Or just a smiling second at the end of your minute's reading.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

The heartless race

Cryo-labs at the University of Minnesota will be looking like the freezer of Hannibal Lecter now. In those fields of medicine, hearts are being grown like mutated potatoes or mushrooms. Scientists believe those hearts can start beating any moment, sooner than later.

Discontented souls of the Alchemists of yore can rest assured that the champions of longevity at Minnesota are keeping the cause of eternal life, alive and beating. Yet the closer we are to their elusive dream, the closer we are to cosmic chaos.

Imagine the vital human organs being grown from stem cells, transplanting life and not just organs. You can right away stop dreaming of replacing your CEO, coz he is gonna stay there forever. Masochistic monogamists can remain stuck with their mistakes till Jack the ripper do them part. Prince Charles can confirm his chronic princedom once and for all, to chants of “Forever live the Queen”. Gaddafi can conspire to continue his reign till kingdom come! For, once natural transition ceases to be inevitable, a coup would be the only initiator of change.

While there is hope for the heart, there will be no place for hope in the heart. Status Quo. Boredom. Monotony. With no end in sight. How heartless will the human race be!

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